Hello fellow moms and dads,The following is an organization called Passionate Parenting and they offer a classes and events that you maybe interested in. I've taken their first aid for children and it was good but I have not taken any other classes so I can't give you much more information. You can always contact them directly if needed.I hope you find this helpful.-Nina
Dear Friends and Families
A quick mail with…
1. Upcoming Seminars in May
2. Your questions about the Dutch Medical Care system
3. Help with Advertising / Marketing
4. Parent Survey
5. June
1) Next Events in May
This Monday, May 11th at 9:30am is
“Raising a Confident Child” by Katherine Fortier (with creche) 5 places open
Self-efficacy – the quality of believing in one's own abilities - is a trait shared by confident children (and adults). It is the development of competence and autonomy, and not just a constant stream of praise, that leads to confidence. This talk by Katherine Fortier (Educational Psychologist) will focus on the life-skills that children need to face challenges with confidence and how we, as parents, can help them learn these.. It will be a practical guide for parents wanting to know more about this desirable quality for their children.
Monday, May 25th at 7:30pm is “Your Will be Done – wills & testaments in NL” by Y Bokhorst
Every expat parent should have a Dutch will to avoid legal or tax-related problems, should the unthinkable happen. Especially, a testament, for your childrens’ sakes. In Holland, the existence of a foreign will can sometimes prove very disadvantageous when it comes to taxation. If you die while resident in the Netherlands, your entire estate will be subject to Dutch inheritance tax, no matter where your assets are. The courts will take custody of your children. Yolanda Bokhorst, (international family law specialist) of Pels Rijcken will give parents need-to-know information to get it done quickly and painlessly
Both events at NEW venue: van Hogenhoucklaan 89 (Behind Bronovo) Registration essential! Reply to this mail
*This Friday, 8th, there is a morning breakfast workshop with Natural Nutritionist, Vardit Kohn in Bussum (north of Amsterdam). See www.forgoodness-sake.com for more info. She says: Come Hungry!!
2) Your Questions about the Dutch Health Care system:
Passionate Parenting is initiating research with the goal of presenting a seminar on the Dutch Health Care System – by a neutral, localised, experienced and qualified expat.
· What do you “hate” about Dutch Maternal & Medical Care?
· In your opinion, what should be done to improve the Dutch Health Care?
· Is there something you don’t know / understand for which you need an answer?
· Do you know about the EXPAT paediatric clinic at Bronovo? (Yes, a paed on demand!)
Reply to this mail
3) PP needs your help with advertising and marketing…
As my customers, would you please give me some advice as to where PP info should be seen: schools, offices, playgroups. Will YOU help me by putting my ads onto your parent-teacher network / electronic bulletin board at the office / send e-mails? Of course, it has to be free of charge! If you can, please give me a name and contact details. I really need your help to keep going. Reply with ONE suggestion, please.
4) Operation Shoebox
In 2007, Michelle Moss, Gwyneth van Rooyen (UN) and PP collected around 350 beautifully wrapped shoeboxes filled with Christmas child-specific gifts for South African AIDS orphans. These gifts were made up and donated by kind and caring locals and expats. You were amazing in your generosity and participation. I would LOVE to do this again, but we have lost our sponsor of the transport costs. We need some rich person to pay, or fund raise €3500 to pay for shipping to SA and door to door transport.
If you have rich (and generous) friends, please ask them if they would like to support this wonderful initiative and let me know.
5) Expat Parent Survey
There is an expat parent survey, and it gives you the chance to “Let your voice be heard”.
http://surveys.polldaddy.com/s/61ABC599265ECB6C/ . Don’t forget to give “Passionate Parenting” a good mention!! And please share any suggestions you have with me.
6) In June, Passionate Parenting events
Monday, June 8th, 9:30am Dialogic Reading for Pre-Schoolers by S&L therapist Fiona Curtis (creche)
Monday, June 15th, 9:30am Raising Bilingual Children by Eowyn Crisfield-Burr (with creche)
Sunday, June 14th – STET is hosting this lovely story-telling session, The Box of Foxes from 2 – 3:30pm in The Hague. Please see www.theenglishtheatre.NL
Once Upon a Time…………….. long, long before time was caught and put into clocks, in a time when magic was easier to find, there was a story… and such a story as you have never heard before will be told by one of the world’s best storytellers Tanya Batt, featuring her latest magical collection THE BOX OF FOXES . So come and listen to tales of foolish chickens, sly foxes, yummy gingerbread men and the young Bodalinka …… in the wonderful and enchanting garden of the Hesperides of the ancient Hofje van Wouw.
This performance is co-produced by Kids in the City. They are also the great spirit behind the yummy and colourful (and even healthy) cakes and drinks…….
That’s it from me
Have a happy and productive week
-- Soul Robertsonwlmailhtml:%7BC89AAF08-4614-4100-800D-DF38BD5521B7%7Dmid://00000069/!x-usc:/mc/compose?to=passionateparenting@gmail.comwww.passionateparenting.nl064 185 7773
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