Sunday, February 8, 2009


Below is some seminars for folks with kids - that would be us. Please take a look.

Dear Mums, Dads, families and friends

Thanks to all your encouragement, positive evaluation forms AND your demand for more short, practical seminars: Passionate Parenting is back. Once again, you can listen and learn, meeting the experts face-to-face, at our seminars.

It has taken a while (some blood, sweat and stress*) but I am excited to let you know that we have 8 seminars / workshops starting March 10th. See attachment for our sexy new image and more info.

As you know, I rely on your help to "spread the word", by forwarding this mail to your interested friends, who, like me, also have less-than-perfect kids, whether tots, teens or toddlers. Long live viral marketing.

Here is a summary of the events, with info on the next two new topics...

Every Day Life Topics
March 16th 7:30pm Discipline & Defiance: Dealing with Disobedience (Katherine Fortier)
April 6th 7:30pm Top Ten Tips for Turning around Your Child's Diet (Vardit Kohn)
May 11th 9:30am Raising Confident Children (Katherine Fortier)
June 8th 9:30am Dialogic Reading – for pre-schoolers (Fiona Curtis)

Expat Life Related Topics
March 10th 7:30pm Raising Bilingual Children (Eowyn Crisfield-Burr)
March 23rd 7:30pm Intensive Language Planning Workshop
April 27th 7:30pm Expat Kids & Global Nomad Families (Graciela C. de Mussini)
May 25th 7:30pm Your Will be Done – Death and Family Testaments in NL (Y Bokhorst)
June 15th 9:30am Raising Bilingual Children

Monday, March 16th at 7:30pm. "Discipline and Defiance: Dealing with Disobedience" We have set limits with love. We would hope our kids are independent and strong-willed but when this spills into defiance and disobedience we may ask ourselves: "What's gone wrong? What can we do?" Katherine Fortier (Educational Psychologist) will talk about achieving co-operation, teaching respect, and parenting with authority, with tips for settling disputes and setting appropriate consequences. This talk will be valuable for parents of toddlers through to teens. Monday April 6th at 7:30pm.
"Top Ten Tips for Turning Round Your Child's Diet" How many times have you raised your hands in despair over an untouched dinner or a rejected lunch, courtesy of your toddler/child? How many times have you vowed to change your child's diet for the better, only to find yourself dishing out once again the frozen pizza and plain pasta? And how many times have you tried to keep your child away from sweets and treats, in vain? If you're stuck in a toddler/child diet rut, or if you're doing well and want to know more, here's your chance to find out the truth about your child's food. Natural Nutritionist, Vardit Kohn, will take you through the Top Ten Points to focus on, will sort out the wheat from the chaff, will answer your questions, alleviate your anxieties and leave you with practical steps to implement the next day. The Nutritionist is live, at your service.

*I completely underestimated the impact of a third child (cute baby Max now 6 months) on our already hectic lives. Getting Passionate Parenting back in action as a full-time mum of three has been a significant challenge.
We returned from Bermuda in June, and have settled happily back in Holland, living in Benoordenhout behind Bronovo, the girls are "going Dutch" again. Why we are back is a long story - I will spare you the details.

Register soon

Soul and Saskia

-- Soul Robertsonwlmailhtml:%7BC89AAF08-4614-4100-800D-DF38BD5521B7%7Dmid://00000042/!x-usc:mailto:passionateparenting@gmail.comwww.passionateparenting.nl064 185 7773 orSaskia Rijnen064 236 7836

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